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pluvialis in Chinese

How to pronounce "pluvialis""pluvialis" in a sentence"pluvialis" meaning

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  • [网络] 斑鴴属;斑鸻属;援灰斑鸻


  • Toxic effects of cu2 and zn2 on haematococcua pluvialis
  • The study of culture conditions of haematoccus pluvialis and its astaxanthin accumulation
  • Saponification of astaxanthin esters from haematococcus pluvialis and purification of free astaxanthin
  • Haematococcus pluvialis has a rich accumulate astaxanthin content up to 4 % dry weight, ranking the best producer of astaxantion
  • The highlighted mass production of astaxanthin using h . pluvialis remains problematic since the inhibition of cell division occurs while astaxanthin produced . it has been proved that biosynthesis of astaxanthin is regulated, at least partially at level transcription . this paper is intended to clone and character the cis regulatory sequences of genes of key biosynthesis enzyme
  • Among 67 species recorded during the investigations, some waterbirds were often recorded such as tachybaptus ruficollis, ardea spp ., charadrius alexandrinus, c . mongolus, pluvialis squatarola, tringa nebularia, t . tetanus, t . stagnatilis, actitis hypoleucos, however, some waterbirds were merely observed at few sites such as anas spp ., chlidonias leucopterus, gelochelidon niloti, c . leschenaultia, limosa limosa, l . lapponica, calidris canutus, c . tenuirostris, c . ferruginea, liemicola falcinellus

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What is the meaning of pluvialis in Chinese and how to say pluvialis in Chinese? pluvialis Chinese meaning, pluvialis的中文pluvialis的中文pluvialis的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.