pimpled in Chinese
- adj.
- "pimpled face" in Chinese : 长满粉刺的脸
- "pimpled rubber" in Chinese : 颗粒胶
- "inward pimpled rubber" in Chinese : 反贴海绵
- "out ward pimpled rubber" in Chinese : 正贴海绵
- "outward pimpled rubber" in Chinese : 正贴海绵
- "outward pimpled rubber bat" in Chinese : 正贴海绵球拍
- "pimple sandwich rubber" in Chinese : 反贴颗粒海绵胶
- "pimple plains" in Chinese : 残丘平原; 多丘平原
- "pimples" in Chinese : 面疱
- "pimple plain" in Chinese : 残丘平原
- "pimpling" in Chinese : 粗糙度;凸起; 麻点的形成; 起丘疹; 凸起
- "pimple mound" in Chinese : 小残丘
- "pimplova" in Chinese : 平普洛娃
- "pimple" in Chinese : n. 【医学】丘疹,疙瘩,粉刺;小突起;脓疱。
- The legislative principles are cultivation and protection principle , the principle of timely treatment and the pimpled of comprehensive administration
而其立法原则有:教育保护原则,及时防治原则,综合治理原则。 - The ittf has indeed banned all frictionless long pimpled rubbers as from 01 july 2008 . ? this includes all long pimpled rubbers currently used
从2008年7月1日起,国际乒联决议禁用长胶粒胶皮。此项决议包括所有现在采用的长胶粒胶皮和套胶。 - The magic qualities of this long soft pimpled rubber imparts a deceiving spin on the balls with devastating effect after bouncing . it also absorbs the fastest drives and heaviest spin
这长的软的橡胶粒的不可思议的质量在弹起以后在球给予欺骗的旋转以毁灭性的作用。它也吸收最快速的驱动和最重的旋转。 - The " minimum friction level " of 25 micro newton established by ittf is so high that only pimpled - out rubbers with total friction will be homologated after 01 july 2008 ( the friction level concerns both the surface and the side of the pimples )
2008年7月1日起,国际乒联订立相当高的25微牛顿单位“最低摩擦度”只有符合这个摩擦度的正贴胶皮才认可使用(所指的摩擦度包含胶粒的表面和边缘位置) 。
Other Languages
- "pimpled" meaning: Adjective: pimpled pimpuld (of complex...
- "pimpled" meaning in Japanese: {形} : 吹き出物だらけの、にきびだらけの
- "pimpled" meaning in Russian: 1) прыщеватый, прыщавый Ex: to get pimpled становиться пры...
- "pimpled" meaning in French: adj. boutonneux; pustuleux
What is the meaning of pimpled in Chinese and how to say pimpled in Chinese? pimpled Chinese meaning, pimpled的中文,pimpled的中文,pimpled的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.