neurostimulator in Chinese
- 神经刺激器
- "peripheral neurostimulator" in Chinese : 周围神经刺激器
- "implantation of neurostimulator in brain" in Chinese : 脑内神经刺激器植入术
- "implantation of neurostimulator in spine" in Chinese : 脊柱内神经刺激器植入术
- "insertion of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese : 脊椎神经刺激器插入术
- "removal of intracranial neurostimulator" in Chinese : 颅内神经剌激器除去术
- "removal of neurostimulator of brain" in Chinese : 脑神经剌激器除去术
- "removal of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese : 脊椎神经刺激器除去术
- "replacement of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese : 脊椎神经刺激器置换术
- "neurosurgeon" in Chinese : 脑神经外科医师; 神经外科医生; 神经外科医师
- "neurostimulation procedure" in Chinese : 神经刺激操作
- "neurosurgery" in Chinese : n. 神经外科学。
- "neurostimulation" in Chinese : 神经刺激
- "neurosurgery clinic" in Chinese : 神经外科门诊
- "neurosthenia" in Chinese : 神经兴奋力过旺
- "neurosurgery department" in Chinese : 精神外科
- "neurosterone" in Chinese : 神经甾酮
Other Languages
- "neurostimulator" meaning: [Medicine] n : a device that provides electrical stimula...
- "neurostimulator" meaning in Japanese: neurostimulator 神経刺激器[医生]
"peripheral neurostimulator" in Chinese, "insertion of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese, "removal of intracranial neurostimulator" in Chinese, "replacement of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese, "removal of spinal neurostimulator" in Chinese, "implantation of neurostimulator in brain" in Chinese, "removal of neurostimulator of brain" in Chinese, "implantation of neurostimulator in spine" in Chinese, "neurosteroid" in Chinese, "neurosterone" in Chinese, "neurosthenia" in Chinese, "neurostimulation" in Chinese, "neurostimulation procedure" in Chinese, "neurosurgeon" in Chinese, "neurosurgery" in Chinese, "neurosurgery clinic" in Chinese, "neurosurgery department" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of neurostimulator in Chinese and how to say neurostimulator in Chinese? neurostimulator Chinese meaning, neurostimulator的中文,neurostimulator的中文,neurostimulator的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by