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nepheline in Chinese

How to pronounce "nepheline"Synonyms of "nepheline""nepheline" in a sentence"nepheline" meaning

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  • n.


  • Monticellite nepheline basalt
  • Melilite nepheline basalt
  • Abstract : the paper presents distribution of nepheline syenites and theirtectonic settings , rock assembladges , mineral associations and geochemisical characteristics , discusses the relationship between the minerological characteristics of main minerals and their host rock
  • Analysis f k and na in nepheline were curried out with higher precision and repeatability by means of adding fluohydric acid during sample melting to remove sio2 , adjusting the ratio of k and na in the solution to reduce the mutual interference of the two elements , and adding cesium chloride to eliminate ionization interference
  • The rock texture , mineral occurence feature , ore electronmagnetic milling and applied possibilities in ceramics and glass of the jadeite metamorphic aegirine - augite nepheline syenite in suizhou , hubei were studied . the results show that the ore deposit combines the advantages of mining and milling , and the finished ore by single electronmagnetic milling may be fully utilized as the raw materials for ceramics and glasses . meanwhile , another important fact is that the compositon with 90 percent raw ore may be manufactured into the wall and floor tiles with glaze , which was affirmed by a lot of experiment research
  • Analysis of k and na in nepheline were curried out with higher precision and repeatability by means of adding fluohydric acid during sample melting to remove sio2 , adjusting the ratio of k and na in the solution to reduce the mutual interference of the two elements , and adding cesium chloride to eliminate ionization interference


  • a whitish mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate or potassium aluminum silicate in crystalline form; used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels
    Synonyms: nephelite,

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What is the meaning of nepheline in Chinese and how to say nepheline in Chinese? nepheline Chinese meaning, nepheline的中文nepheline的中文nepheline的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.