mongoloid in Chinese
- adj.
- "mongoloid fold" in Chinese : 蒙古皱襞
- "mongoloid folds" in Chinese : 蒙古皱襞
- "mongoloid race" in Chinese : 黄种人; 蒙古人种,黄色人种; 色人
- "mongolo" in Chinese : 蒙戈洛
- "mongollian thyme herb" in Chinese : 地椒
- "mongolla" in Chinese : 蒙古人
- "mongolosaurus" in Chinese : 坦齿蒙古龙
- "mongoliya" in Chinese : 蒙古
- "mongolosaurus gilmore" in Chinese : 蒙古龙属
- "mongolism disease" in Chinese : 先天愚型,伸舌样白痴
- Great . another fucking mongoloid
真好,又一个先天痴呆 - Yeah , except you acting iike some kinda spastic mongoloid in heat
是啊,但除了像你这种亲热的时候会变得如痉挛的患唐氏综合症的人 - A decidedly different dynamic began to unfold over the next century as the first of many mongoloid invaders , the hsiang - nu , began to invade china
当最早的蒙古人种入侵者,也就是匈奴,开始入侵中国时,一种完全不同的战争面貌在此后的一个世纪揭开了面纱。 - Studies by physical anthropologists have confirmed that the neolithic people on ma wan were closely linked to those neolithic settlers of the pearl river region in guangdong , and they both were asian mongoloid
- Noun
- a person suffering from Down syndrome (no longer used technically in this sense)
- of or relating to or suffering from Down syndrome;
- characteristic of or resembling a Mongol; "the mongoloid epicanthic fold"
Other Languages
- "mongoloid" meaning: Adjective: mongoloid Characteristic of or resemblin...
- "mongoloid" meaning in Japanese: {名} : モンゴル人に似た
- "mongoloid" meaning in Russian: 1) монголоид2) монголоидный
- "mongoloid" meaning in French: n. mongoloïde (atteint de retard mental; atteint du synd...
What is the meaning of mongoloid in Chinese and how to say mongoloid in Chinese? mongoloid Chinese meaning, mongoloid的中文,mongoloid的中文,mongoloid的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by