minimizer in Chinese
- n.
- "rod worth minimizer" in Chinese : 控制棒价值最小化装置
- "minimizing" in Chinese : 极小化; 极小值的; 求最小参数值
- "minimized window" in Chinese : 最小化窗口; 最小化视窗
- "minimizing chart" in Chinese : 缩图
- "minimized friction" in Chinese : 最小摩擦
- "minimizing control mode" in Chinese : 最小化控制方式
- "minimized" in Chinese : 被减至最小了的; 最小化的
- "minimizing degradation" in Chinese : 退化最小化
- "minimize when system startup" in Chinese : 启动时缩到最小; 启动时最小化
- "minimizing diameter therapy" in Chinese : 减径矫治法
- "minimize vt" in Chinese : 最小化
- Radial minimizer of the ginzburg - landau functional with impurity inclusion
泛函的径向极小元 - The efficiency score is a general indication of how close your operation is to the virtual input minimizer
效率值代表你仓库的运作离虚拟投入最小仓库的接近程度。 - Input minimizer can achieve at least the same level of output that you do , but uses the least possible resources
投入最小仓库可以达到与你的仓库最少同等水平的产出的仓库,而使用的资源是最少的。 - For example , an input minimizer efficiency score 0 . 85 indicates that the inputs could be reduced to 85 % while maintaining the same , if not surpassing the current level of output
例如,一个投入最小仓库的效率值是0 . 85意味着产出维持现有情况,投入可以减少到原来的85 。 - Applying the results to optimal controller to realize the minimizer of the cost function of mkdv - burgers equation under neumann and dirichlet boundary control . secondly , using inertial manifold and approximate inertial manifold theory , the approximate inertial manifold under fourier bases is given and we construct a set of odes of three modes to obtain the long - time dynamic behavior
其次,利用惯性流形和近似惯性流形理论,给出mkdv - burgers方程在fourier基下的近似惯性流形,并且把这一方程所确定的无穷维动力系统约化为一组三模态下的常微分方程组,从而研究这一方程所确定的动力系统的长期动力学行为。
Other Languages
- "minimizer" meaning: or minˈimiser noun
- "minimizer" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 極小詞{きょくしょう し}
- "minimizer" meaning in Russian: Минимизирующая
- "minimizer" meaning in French: n. minimiseur
What is the meaning of minimizer in Chinese and how to say minimizer in Chinese? minimizer Chinese meaning, minimizer的中文,minimizer的中文,minimizer的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by