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microfluidics in Chinese

How to pronounce "microfluidics""microfluidics" in a sentence"microfluidics" meaning

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  • 微流体技术
  • 微流体学


  • The ability of microfluidics to mimic the flow and geometry of human blood vessels also proved critical
  • One of the great virtues of microfluidics technology is its ability to control complex reactions at critical times and locations
  • In this review , we focus on lab - on - a - chip with fluid flow along micro - scale channels ( microfluidics ) and its application on life science and biotechnology
  • Several companies have now manufactured microfluidics devices ( “ labs - on - a - chip ” ) that allow the high - throughput chemistries needed in screening , synthesis and probing of biological molecules
  • Microfluidics is the minitiarization of fluid - based biochemistry to very small volumes such that a large series of chemical reactions can be performed in parallel in a microarray format ( see microarray )
  • The micro total analysis systems are based on the microfluidics intergrated chemical processing and analysis . though still in many ways in its infancy , interest in this field has grown explosively over the last decades
  • Recently , advances in miniaturization and microfluidics have allowed screening of up to 100 , 000 compounds against a target on a single chip daily , allowing previously unimaginable amounts of compounds to be screened
  • The scientists used microfluidics , a technique that allowed them to probe blood clotting on surfaces that mimic vascular damage on the micron scale , a unit of measurement much narrower than the diameter of a human hair
  • Elegant microfluidics , also developed at lincoln , direct the sample and nutrient media through the channel , where a charge - coupled device ( ccd ) like those found in camcorders detects even a single b cell firing
    先进的微流体芯片? ?同样由林肯实验室研制? ?指引样本和营养介质通过通道,通道中即使只有一个b细胞发光,与便携摄像机里的装置类似的电荷耦合器也会探测到。
  • The essential issue with developing microfluidics - based devices is the ability to maintain adequate access to the solutions needed in each element of the array , delivered both spatially ( to each addressable location in the array ) and temporally ( at the appropriate time in the reaction )
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of microfluidics in Chinese and how to say microfluidics in Chinese? microfluidics Chinese meaning, microfluidics的中文microfluidics的中文microfluidics的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.