warlord meaning

Pronunciation:   "warlord" in a sentence
Noun: warlord  'wor`lord
  1. Supreme military leader exercising civil power in a region especially one accountable to nobody when the central government is weak

Derived forms: warlords

Type of: military leader

Encyclopedia: Warlord


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  1. the supreme warlord was striding about the shelter.
  2. the supreme warlord promulgated his infamous "scorched earth" directive.
  3. his followers did not rape or carouse, like the troops of many warlord armies.
  4. then he was still our all masterful leader: a remote, demanding, difficult warlord.
  5. his followers did not rape or carouse, like the troops of many warlord armies, and he did not let them smoke opium.

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  1. warlike meaning
  2. warlikeness meaning
  3. warling meaning
  4. warlock meaning
  5. warlockry meaning
  6. warlording meaning
  7. warlpiri meaning
  8. warm meaning
  9. warm as toast meaning
  10. warm body meaning
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