warlock meaning

Pronunciation:   "warlock" in a sentence
Noun: warlock  'wor`lók
  1. A male witch or demon

Derived forms: warlocks

Type of: witch

Encyclopedia: Warlock


More:   Next
  1. i'm through with warlocks . they're all like you
  2. warlock pet dismiss sounds will now play properly
  3. that said, a warlock has two jobs
  4. vampires, gargoyles, warlocks, they're all the same
  5. that's the nature of the warlock class

Related Words

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  2. wark meaning
  3. warlike meaning
  4. warlikeness meaning
  5. warling meaning
  6. warlockry meaning
  7. warlord meaning
  8. warlording meaning
  9. warlpiri meaning
  10. warm meaning
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