fond meaning
[ fɔnd ] Pronunciation: "fond" in a sentence
Adjective: fond (fonder,fondest) fónd
- Having or displaying warmth or affection
"a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"
- affectionate, lovesome, tender, warm - Extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent
"hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother"
- adoring, doting - (followed by 'of' or 'to') having a strong preference or liking for
"fond of chocolate"
- partial - Absurd or silly because unlikely
"fond hopes of becoming President"; "fond fancies"
Derived forms: fondest, fonder
See also: fondly, fondness, foolish, inclined, loving
Encyclopedia: Fond
More: Next- she is much too fond of the sound of her own voice.
- i was not fond of any more country rambles.
- he is too fond of making cheap scores.
- he is fond of having a hand in everything ..
- this, of course, is a fond delusion.