fleece meaning

[ fli:s ] Pronunciation:   "fleece" in a sentence
Noun: fleece  flees
  1. The wool of a sheep or similar animal 
  2. Tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on; used for clothing
    - sheepskin 
  3. A soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing 
  4. Outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
    - wool
Verb: fleece  flees
  1. Rip off; ask an unreasonable price
    - overcharge, soak, surcharge, gazump [Brit], plume, pluck, rob, hook 
  2. Shear the wool from
    - shear

Derived forms: fleeced, fleeces, fleecing

See also: fleecy

Type of: cheat, chisel, cloth, coat, fabric, leather, material, pelage, rip off, shave, textile, trim, wool

Encyclopedia: Fleece

[American slang]
tr. to cheat someone; to steal everything from someone. (Underworld.)
• Bruno fleeced the kids for a lot of money.
• Rocko never tried to fleece anybody.

verb [+ obj] (informal)

to take a lot of money from sb by charging them too much:

He claims that banks are fleecing their small business clients.


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  1. the moon had already come forward with her long face toward the east and a fleece of clouds behind.
  2. with their fleece sopping wet, they huddled in hollows, too dispirited to graze.
  3. because, that's who the king wants us to fleece
  4. the gamblers fleeced adams of all his money
  5. it looks as if you were trying to fleece me?

Related Words

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        vest fleece:    [Finance]A slang term used to describe ...
        china fleece vine:    Noun: China fleece vineTwining perenni ...
        flee to sth:    [American slang]to escape to something ...
        fleeceable:    Adjective: fleeceableNaive and easily ...
        flee from so or sth:    [American slang]to run away from someo ...
        fleeced:     adjective  Having a fleece
        flee:    Verb: flee (fled)  fleeRun a ...
        fleeceless:     adjective
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        fleecer:    Noun: fleecerOne who fleeces or strips ...
        fledgling:    Adjective: fledgling  flejli ...


  1. fledgling meaning
  2. fledgy meaning
  3. flee meaning
  4. flee from so or sth meaning
  5. flee to sth meaning
  6. fleece-wool meaning
  7. fleeceable meaning
  8. fleeced meaning
  9. fleeceless meaning
  10. fleecer meaning
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