foul up meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "foul up" in a sentence   "foul up" meaning
弄脏, 污染, 搞糟
  • foul:    adj. 1.肮脏的,腐烂的;有恶臭的。 2.(管道等) ...
  • up:    adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...
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  1. The weather has really fouled up my holiday plans .
  2. Blue suit and brown socks ! he had fouled up again
  3. Nothing could foul up their militant spirit
  4. He ' s fouled up this report , but i think we can fix it
  5. The weather fouled up our picnic

Related Words

        foul:    adj. 1.肮脏的,腐烂的;有恶臭的。 2.(管道等) ...
        up:    adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...
        foul-up:     〔口语〕 1.拙劣的工作。 2.混乱,故障,乱七八糟。
        be foul with:    给...弄脏
        foul:    adj. 1.肮脏的,腐烂的;有恶臭的。 2.(管道等)淤塞的;(船底等)粘 ...
        foul in:    被侵犯后入球(系呀,好威嫁!!)
        a foul coast:    多暗礁的海岸
        a foul deed:    恶劣的行为
        a foul drain:    污浊的下水道
        a foul kick:    犯规的踢球动作
        a foul smell:    恶臭的气味
        anchor is foul:    锚绞缠
        be foul mouthed:    嘴里不干不净
        blind foul:    隐臭
        blocking foul:    阻挡犯规


  1. foul the trail in Chinese
  2. foul throw in Chinese
  3. foul tip in Chinese
  4. foul touch in Chinese
  5. foul trouble in Chinese
  6. foul vessel in Chinese
  7. foul water in Chinese
  8. foul water drain in Chinese
  9. foul water pump in Chinese
  10. foul water sewer in Chinese
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