fixed salary meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "fixed salary" in a sentence
  • fixed:    adj. 1.固定的;确定的,不变的,固执的。 2.【化 ...
  • salary:    n. 薪水,薪金,薪俸。 ★ salary 指公职人员、 ...
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  1. " being rational gets you a fixed salary the 30th of every month .
  2. Additionally to the fix salary , our client is willing to provide attractive bonus systems for achieving sales target
  3. The variable salary will be changed to fixed salary after proceeding of the current month salary in order to avoid the double input of fixed salary items
  4. On bogutcharovo a trained midwife had been engaged at his expense to assist the peasant - women in childbirth , and a priest , at a fixed salary , was teaching the children of the peasants and house servants to read and write
  5. Meanwhile , it compared the traditional salary system and pointed out that fixed salary system is the least effective , while the annual salary ignores the long - term performance of the enterprise and can not

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