We have identified in s . cerevisiae distinct ubiquitin - ligase complexes that define different erad pathways 我们在酵母体内发现了一种参与不同erad途径的特定的泛素连接酶复合体。
Ligase an enzyme that catalyzes the bond formation between two substrates at the expense of the breakdown of atp or some other nucleotide triphosphate 连接酶:可将两个底物结合在一起的酶,此过程需要atp或其他核苷三磷酸供能。
Then cdnas and puc18 vectors were linked by t4 dna ligase and transformed into e . coli strain dh5 - alpha to generate cdna library that size is 4 . 9 l06 recombinants 将cdna与载体连接,并导入dh5感受态细胞中,构建成cdna文库。
As bases are added by polymerase to the starting point of a new complementary strand , known as a primer , or recognized by ligase as a match , the template ' s sequence is revealed 当聚合酶将一个核苷酸加在新互补链的起始引子之后,或接合酶认定某段核苷酸链与原始模版配对,就可利用这些反应来得出原始模版的序列。
4 . the construction of middle - clone vector and expression vector the puc - cp and pgem - 7z plasmid were digested by kpnl and bamhi , and collected the digested cpti fragment and the pgem - 7z , then ligated by t4 dna ligase and formed the pgem - cp 中间载体及表达载体的构建将puc - cp质粒和pgem ? 7z质粒,用kpni和bamhi酶切,分别回收cpti片断和酶切后的载体片段,用t _ 4连接酶连接构建成中间载体pgem - cp 。
Sub - - clone of s , . / hbsag fusion gene : pbuescripts , . / hbsag and ppiczaa were digested separately by xhoi and xbai enzyme , and were linked under t4 dna ligase , ppiczaa s , , / hbsag was constructed and transformed to e . coli Hbsag质粒与ppiczaa载体分别经xhol和xbaln切,再在t4dna连接酶作用下进行连接,获得工程菌表达型ppiczaas ; hbsag质粒,转化大肠杆菌t0p10细胞,经xhol和xbal与sacll和xbal酶切电泳,证实s ; 。
Cut off beta fragment from plasmid prok . ii with hindlll and ecor i as insert , and cut pa into linear plasmid as vector fragment . link the insert and vector fragment together with t4 ligase , and the new vector with gene beta and gus was constructed 用hind和ecor双酶切prok质粒,获得beta基因片段作为插入片段,用hind和ecor双酶切a质粒作为载体片段,将插入片段与载体片段相连,即构建成含有beta和gus的双基因载体。
At first . then eight a - amylase gene fragments were cloned with the genomic dnas as templates by routine pcr . following that , these gene fragments and plasmid vectors , pbluescript ii ks + and puc18 , were cut by bamh i and kpn i . the prepared insert dna and vector dna were linked by t4 dna ligase 利用vectornti6 . 0软件,对所克隆的序列用相邻接点法( neighborjoining州j ) method )进行多序列比对,分析其同源性,并构建基因进化树。
The recombinant plasmid puge dna and transfer vector pfastbacl dna were treated again in the same enzyme , were linked by means of t4 dna ligase and transformed into e . coli jm109 permissive cells , yielding recombinant transfer vector plasmid pfastbac - ge dna and were transformed into dhlobac containing vector bacmid 将重组质粒pugedna与转移载体pfastbacldna用bamhi和ecori双酶切处理, t _ 4dna连接酶连接,用连接产物转化大肠杆菌jm109感受态细胞,得到重组转移载体质粒pfastbac - gedna 。
This study demonstrated that the arabidopsis f - box protein coil associated with atcul1 , atrbxl and skpl - like proteins askl and ask2 to assemble scfcoil ubiquitin ligase complexes . also , we found that the atcull component of scfcoil complexes contained two species including atcull and modified atcull . ( 2 ) we found that coil assembled to two separate scfcoil complexes with either askl or ask2 through immunoprecipitation analysis with plant expressing myc - tagged version of ask2 用表达融合蛋白myc - ask2的拟南芥为材料,以- myc抗体进行免疫共沉淀分析发现, myc - ask2蛋白可以与coi1蛋白一起免疫共沉淀,但是不能与ask1蛋白免疫共沉淀,表明coi1蛋白与ask2蛋白,但是不能同时与ask1结合形成scf ~ ( coi1 )复合体。
What is the meaning of ligase in Chinese and how to say ligase in Chinese? ligase Chinese meaning, ligase的中文,ligase的中文,ligase的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.