leafing in Chinese
- 发叶
- 金属粉末悬浮现象
- 生叶
- 叶浮
- "leaf" in Chinese : n. 〔英军俚〕休假。
- "leafing agent" in Chinese : 漂浮剂
- "leafing aluminum" in Chinese : 铝箔
- "finishing and leafing mill" in Chinese : 精炼薄片机
- "finishing leafing refiner" in Chinese : 精炼薄品机
- "leafiness" in Chinese : 多叶; 青叶; 叶茂盛
- "leafields engineering ltd" in Chinese : 利菲尔兹工程公司
- "leafinwind" in Chinese : 叶随风
- "leafhopper a reovirus" in Chinese : 跳跃昆虫a呼肠孤病毒; 跳跃昆虫a呼肠孤簿
- "leafless" in Chinese : 没有叶子的; 无叶的
- "leafhopper" in Chinese : 叶蝉
- "leaflet" in Chinese : n. 1.小叶,嫩叶。 2.复叶的一片。 3.叶状器官。 4.传单;广告,仿 ...
- "leafflower" in Chinese : 叶下珠属
- Our work leaves much to be desired .
我们的工作还有许多待改进的地方。 - The leaves were roaring like the sea .
树叶哗哗作响,象大海那样怒号。 - He leaves a widow and two children .
他身后留下一个寡妇和两个孩子。 - Sunlight percolated through the thick leaves .
阳光透过浓密的树叶。 - The leaves of the book were yellowing with age .
书叶因年久而发黄。 - The streets have been swept free of leaves .
街上的落叶已打扫干净。 - The trees would be just bursting into leaf .
树木一定是刚刚吐出嫩芽。 - Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn .
秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。 - Leaves fell, lives drifted down !
树叶子落下来,生命随波逐流而去! - The branches and leaves are luxuriant but well-spaced .
- Noun
- (botany) the process of forming leaves
Synonyms: foliation,
Other Languages
- "leafing" meaning: Noun: leafing leefing (botany) the pro...
- "leafing" meaning in Japanese: leafing リーフィング[化学]
- "leafing" meaning in Russian: Leafing
"leaf cutter" in Chinese, "leaf tin" in Chinese, "revolute leaf" in Chinese, "cucumber leaf" in Chinese, "leaf wood" in Chinese, "leaf peroxisomes" in Chinese, "dull leaf" in Chinese, "true leaf" in Chinese, "leaf injection" in Chinese, "leafflower" in Chinese, "leafhopper" in Chinese, "leafhopper a reovirus" in Chinese, "leafields engineering ltd" in Chinese, "leafiness" in Chinese, "leafing agent" in Chinese, "leafing aluminum" in Chinese, "leafinwind" in Chinese, "leafless" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of leafing in Chinese and how to say leafing in Chinese? leafing Chinese meaning, leafing的中文,leafing的中文,leafing的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.