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靡靡 meaning in Korean

[ mǐmǐ ]   Pronunciation:
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  • [형용사]【문어】

    (1)느릿느릿 걷는 모양.

    (2)순응하는 모양. 순종하는 모양.

    (3)음탕하다. 퇴폐적이다.


  • 올해 북방 어제부터 불신하는 소리들, 않는다.

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What is the meaning of 靡靡 in Korean and how to say 靡靡 in Korean? 靡靡 Korean meaning, 靡靡的韓文, 靡靡的韩文靡靡的韓文, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.