擦亮眼睛 meaning in Japanese
[ cāliàngyǎnjīng ] Chinese Pronunciation:
"擦亮眼睛" meaning in Chinese"擦亮眼睛" in a sentence
- 目を光らす.物事をはっきり見極める.
- "擦" in Japanese : (1)摩擦する.こする. 摩拳móquán擦掌/てぐすねひく.闘志満々...
- "亮" in Japanese : (1)(?黑 hēi )明るい. 光亮/明るい. 豁 huò 亮/広々...
- "眼睛" in Japanese : (1)目.『量』只,个;[両方]双,对. 睁开 zhēngkāi 眼睛...
- "擦亮" in Japanese : サテン仕上げサテンフィニッシングに磨きをかけるサテンしあげきぬつやだしほう
- "眼睛" in Japanese : (1)目.『量』只,个;[両方]双,对. 睁开 zhēngkāi 眼睛/目を ...
- "亮眼人" in Japanese : (盲人の側からいう)晴眼者,目明き.
- "擦亮儿" in Japanese : 空が薄明るい.ほのぼのと明るい. 天一擦亮儿就起来了/空が明け始めるとすぐ起 ...
- "擦亮剂" in Japanese : ポリシつやだしざいけんまざいみがきざいポリッシュつや出し材つや出し剤
- "擦亮油" in Japanese : つやだしあぶらつや出し油
- "擦亮粉" in Japanese : ふんまつクレンザ
- "鲜眉亮眼" in Japanese : 秀でた眉とつぶらな目.
- "大眼睛" in Japanese : フランスギク本
- "眼睛的" in Japanese : オプティカル
- "地面擦亮剂" in Japanese : ゆかしあげようはいごうぶつゆかみがきざい
- "家用擦亮剂" in Japanese : かていようつやだしざい
- Open your eyes and see things as they really are
擦亮眼睛,看清事情真相。 - Regarding the quality of the games , parents need to open their eyes and watch the games that their children are playing
至于游戏的质量,家长们必须要擦亮眼睛,注意孩子们玩的游戏。 - There ' s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next
你免不了会被人伤害,因此你要做的事情是继续相信别人,但是对于你信任的下一个人要擦亮眼睛。 - There is always going to be people that hurt you , so what you have to do is keep on trusting people and just be more careful about who you trust next
Other Languages
- 擦亮眼睛 in English: remove the scales from one's eyes
- 擦亮眼睛 in Korean: 【성어】 (아무의) 눈을 뜨게 하다. 흐린 눈을 닦다. 잘못을 깨닫게...
- 擦亮眼睛 in Russian: pinyin:cāliàngyǎnjīng перен. протерет...
- 擦亮眼睛 meaning in Chinese: cāliàng yǎnjīng[sharpen one's vigilanc...