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serviceman in Japanese

[ 'sɜ:vismən ]   Pronunciation:
plural: servicemen   
"serviceman" 意味"serviceman" in a sentence"serviceman" meaning

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  • serviceman, servicewoman n. 兵隊; 修理員.
    【形容詞 名詞+】
    ◆a demobilized serviceman 復員軍人
    ◆a former serviceman 退役軍人
    ◆a US serviceman 米軍の軍人
    ◆a vending-machine serviceman 自動販売機修理員.
    ◆an ex-serviceman 元軍人.


  • There's a lot of servicemen like that these days .
    この頃は そげな兵隊さんが 大勢おるとよ。
  • Secret serviceman . left of the stage .
    ステージ横の シークレットサービスだ
  • Suzusan ! be nice to our serviceman .
    すずさん! 兵隊さんに乱暴は!
  • A general , a secret serviceman .
    長官や 大統領警護人
  • Mr turing , do you know how many british servicemen have died because of enigma ?
    エニグマのために 何人の 英国軍人が命を落としたと思う?
  • It was lower than kyo (a minister ) and higher than shi (the elite class of servicemen in the zhou period ).
  • It would take more than a million american servicemen to oversee the occupation for years to come .
    そうなれば、今後多年に亘り100万人の アメリカ軍人の駐留が必要となるだろう
  • Sir , handing over an american serviceman to foreign jurisdiction is a violation of our status of forces agreement .
    領土外管轄におけるアメリカの軍人の 受け渡しは地位協定違反に なります
  • I am certain we can find other servicemen with wounds similar to yours who would consider being a part of this program an honor .
    ワシには見つけられる 確信があるのだよ キミと似た外傷の軍人で このプログラムの一部になることを 光栄に引き受ける者をな.
  • 62 percent of the crew was accounted for by 12 or 13-year-old boys who worked for a lighter in the basin of the oka river and the kama river: tributaries of the volga river , and former servicemen .
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of serviceman in Japanese and how to say serviceman in Japanese? serviceman Japanese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.