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rheumatism in Japanese

[ 'ru:mətizəm ]   Pronunciation:
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  • rheumatism n. リューマチ.
    ◆She contracted rheumatism at an early age. 若いときにリューマチにかかった
    ◆He developed rheumatism in his shoulder. 彼の肩がリューマチになった
    ◆She has rheumatism in her legs. 彼女の脚はリューマチにかかっている
    ◆ward off rheumatism リューマチにかからないようにする.
    【形容詞 名詞+】
    ◆acute rheumatism 急性リューマチ
    ◆articular rheumatism 関節リューマチ
    ◆his severe rheumatism 彼の重症のリューマチ.
    ◆suffer from rheumatism リューマチに悩む
    ◆He has a touch of rheumatism. リューマチ気味だ
    Salicylic acid is used in the treatment of rheumatism. サリチル酸はリューマチの治療に用いられる
    complain of a twinge of rheumatism リューマチのうずく痛みを訴える
    ◆be stiff with rheumatism リューマチで硬直している.


  • It is effective for neuralgia and rheumatism , and so on .
  • My legs are bad because of rheumatism .
    リウマチで 足腰が悪いもんだから。
  • Her mother was suffering from rheumatism
    違ぁ? 結婚するいうんは?
  • It is supposedly good for curing neuralgia , rheumatism , wounds , myalgia and arthralgia .
  • Gyukakuso itself is a herbal medicine that works for rheumatism , hemostatic , and pain relief .
  • Sometimes it is not appropriate for the patients of rheumatism and asthma to bathe in sulfur hot springs without careful consideration .
  • They are principally effective for injuries , chronic skin diseases , blows , sprains , chronic rheumatism , infertility , gout and vascular sclerosis .
  • Their temperature is relatively high and they are effective for pimples , oily skin , skin diseases , rheumatism , bronchial asthma and women ' s diseases .
  • The effect - the hot spring is good for neuralgia , muscular pain , arthritis , dermatosis , traumatopathy , rheumatism , a women ' s disease , gastroenteropathy , et cetera .
    効能 神経痛?筋肉痛?関節痛?皮膚病 外傷性疾患?リウマチ?婦人病?胃腸病など
  • In october , around the time of making another trip to tokyo , he began to experience difficulty in walking due to hip pain which was first thought of as rheumatism but in the following year (1896 ), it was diagnosed as an onset of spinal caries caused by tubercle bacillus affecting the spine .
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of rheumatism in Japanese and how to say rheumatism in Japanese? rheumatism Japanese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.