retrocession in Japanese
- {名} : (領土{りょうど}の)返還{へんかん}
- "retrocessionaire" in Japanese : {名} : 再々保険者{さいさい ほけん しゃ}、再々保険{さいさい ほけん ...
- "retrocervical" in Japanese : {形} : 子宮頸管後方{しきゅう けいかん こうほう}の
- "retrochic" in Japanese : {名} :
- "retrocedent gout" in Japanese : retrocedent gout内攻性痛風[医生]
- "retroclusion" in Japanese : retroclusion挿針止血法[医生]
- "retrocede" in Japanese : {自動} : 戻る----------------------------- ...
- "retrocochlear damage" in Japanese : 後迷路性障害{こうめいろせい しょうがい}
- "retrocecal recess" in Japanese : 盲腸後陥凹{もうちょう こう かんおう}
- "retrocochlear deafness" in Japanese : 後迷路性難聴{こうめいろせい なんちょう}
- "retrocecal lymph nodes" in Japanese : 盲腸後{もうちょう こう}リンパ節
- At the end of 1867 , jikan-nochi (resignation from the government post and retrocession of the domain ) was ordered against yoshinobu tokugawa of the former tokugawa shogunate family , who had retreated to osaka due to the restoration of imperial rule (in japan ), was initiated by toshimichi okubo of the satsuma domain and the court noble , tomomi iwakura .
慶応3年末、薩摩藩の大久保利通や公家の岩倉具視らの働きで発せられた王政復古 (日本)により、大阪に退いていた前徳川将軍家?徳川慶喜に対し辞官納地が命ぜられた。
Other Languages
- "retrocession" meaning: Noun: retrocession `retru'seshun The s...
- "retrocession" meaning in Chinese: n. 1.交还;后退。2.【医学】(疾病)内攻;(器官等)内移。3.【保险】再再保险,三重保险。
- "retrocession" meaning in Russian: 1) обратное движение2) обратная уступка какой-л. территори...
- "retrocession" meaning in French: n. récession, recul, retraite; rétrocession, retour, ret...
What is the meaning of retrocession in Japanese and how to say retrocession in Japanese? retrocession Japanese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by