immutably in Chinese
- 不变地
- "immvore rna" in Chinese : 疫核糖核酸
- "immutable object" in Chinese : 不可变对象
- "immyal" in Chinese : 伊米亚尔
- "immutable law of business" in Chinese : 事务上不易之法则
- "immynity" in Chinese : 免疫性
- "immutable - variable" in Chinese : 不变的
- "imn" in Chinese : 乳内淋巴结
- "immutable" in Chinese : adj. 不可改变的;永远不变的。 adv. -bly ,-ness n.
- "imn lor oz" in Chinese : 伊姆恩洛尔湖
- "immutability of species" in Chinese : 种的不可变性
- Pfuhl was one of those hopelessly , immutably conceited men , ready to face martyrdom for their own ideas , conceited as only germans can be , just because it is only a germans conceit that is based on an abstract ideascience , that is , the supposed possession of absolute truth
普弗尔是那类自信到不可救药,一成不变,以致于宁愿殉道的人之一,这类人只能是德国人,因为只有德国人根据远离现实的观念科学,即臆想到的完善无缺的真理的知识才建立这样的自信。 - My task was a very hard one ; but , as i was absolutely resolved - as my cousins saw at length that my mind was really and immutably fixed on making a just division of the property - as they must in their own hearts have felt the equity of the intention ; and must , besides , have been innately conscious that in my place they would have done precisely what i wished to do - they yielded at length so far as to consent to put the affair to arbitration
- Adverb
- in an unalterable and unchangeable manner; "his views were unchangeably fixed"
Synonyms: unalterably, unchangeably, unassailably, unalterably, unchangeably, unassailably, - in an unalterable and unchangeable manner; "his views were unchangeably fixed"
Synonyms: unalterably, unchangeably, unassailably, unalterably, unchangeably, unassailably,
Other Languages
- "immutably" meaning: Adverb: immutably In an unalterable and unchangeabl...
- "immutably" meaning in Japanese: {副} : 不変{ふへん}に、変わりなく
- "immutably" meaning in French: adv. immuablement
What is the meaning of immutably in Chinese and how to say immutably in Chinese? immutably Chinese meaning, immutably的中文,immutably的中文,immutably的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by