hypophysectomy in Chinese
plural: hypophysectomies
- 垂体切除术
- 脑垂体摘除
- "hypophysectomy forceps" in Chinese : 脑垂体切除镊
- "hypophysectomy spoon" in Chinese : 脑垂体挖匙
- "partial hypophysectomy" in Chinese : 垂体部分切除术
- "radiation hypophysectomy" in Chinese : 辐射垂体去除法
- "subtotal hypophysectomy" in Chinese : 垂体次全切除术
- "transnasal hypophysectomy" in Chinese : 经鼻垂体切除术
- "transsphenoidal hypophysectomy" in Chinese : 经蝶骨垂体切除术
- "hypophysectomy instruments set" in Chinese : 脑垂体手术器械包
- "hypophysectomy-induced hypopituitarism" in Chinese : 垂体切除术引起的垂体功能减退
- "hypophysectomized alloxan diabetic" in Chinese : 切除垂体的四氧嘧啶糖尿病患者
- "hypophysectomized" in Chinese : 垂体切除的
- "hypophysectomize" in Chinese : 切除垂体
- "hypophyseceomy" in Chinese : 垂体摘除
- "hypophyseoportal" in Chinese : 垂体门的
- "hypophysealfo" in Chinese : 垂体窝
- Hypophysectomy before implantation terminates pregnancy and after the 44th day of gestation causes abortion in the goat .
- Noun
- surgical removal of the pituitary gland
Other Languages
- "hypophysectomy" meaning: Noun: hypophysectomy hI`pófi'sektumee ...
- "hypophysectomy" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 下垂体摘出術{かすいたい てきしゅつ じゅつ}、下垂体切除(術){かすいたい せつじょ(じゅつ)}
- "hypophysectomy" meaning in Russian: гипофизэктомия, разрушение гипофиза
- "hypophysectomy" meaning in French: n. hypophysotomie
"transnasal hypophysectomy" in Chinese, "radiation hypophysectomy" in Chinese, "subtotal hypophysectomy" in Chinese, "hypophysectomy forceps" in Chinese, "transsphenoidal hypophysectomy" in Chinese, "hypophysectomy spoon" in Chinese, "partial hypophysectomy" in Chinese, "hypophysectomy instruments set" in Chinese, "hypophysealfo" in Chinese, "hypophyseceomy" in Chinese, "hypophysectomize" in Chinese, "hypophysectomized" in Chinese, "hypophysectomized alloxan diabetic" in Chinese, "hypophysectomy-induced hypopituitarism" in Chinese, "hypophyseoportal" in Chinese,
- "hypophysealfo" in Chinese
- "hypophyseceomy" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomize" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomized" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomized alloxan diabetic" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomy forceps" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomy instruments set" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomy spoon" in Chinese
- "hypophysectomy-induced hypopituitarism" in Chinese
What is the meaning of hypophysectomy in Chinese and how to say hypophysectomy in Chinese? hypophysectomy Chinese meaning, hypophysectomy的中文,hypophysectomy的中文,hypophysectomy的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.