hyperphagia in Chinese
- 采食过量
- 多食
- 过度摄食
- 过食
- 摄食过多
- 摄食过量
- 食欲过盛
- 食欲增强
- 饮食过多
- 饮食过量
- "hyperphalangeal" in Chinese : 多指型; 多趾型
- "hyperperthite" in Chinese : 半钠纹长石
- "hyperphasia" in Chinese : 多语症; 言语过度; 言语过多
- "hyperpermeability" in Chinese : 渗透性过高
- "hyperphenylalaninemia" in Chinese : 高苯丙氨酸血症; 高苯内氨酸血症
- "hyperperitonitis" in Chinese : 剧性腹膜炎
- "hyperphenylalaninemia screen" in Chinese : 高苯丙氨酸血症筛查
- "hyperperistalsis" in Chinese : 肠蠕动过强; 蠕动亢进
- "hyperphlebectasy" in Chinese : 剧性静脉扩张
- "hyperperfusion" in Chinese : 过度灌注
- The intestine of the rat lengthened with development in the control rat and in addition of an added requirement in rats with resection with or without hyperphagia
Other Languages
- "hyperphagia" meaning: /-fāˈji-ə/ noun Bulimia
- "hyperphagia" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 過食症{かしょくしょう}
- "hyperphagia" meaning in Russian: 1) _мед. гиперфагия. булимия, неутолимый голод
- "hyperphagia" meaning in French: n. boulimie, consommation effrénée de nourriture, appéti...
What is the meaning of hyperphagia in Chinese and how to say hyperphagia in Chinese? hyperphagia Chinese meaning, hyperphagia的中文,hyperphagia的中文,hyperphagia的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.