hypercatabolic in Chinese
- 分解代谢过度的
- "hypercatabolic hypoproteinemia" in Chinese : 分解代谢过度低血蛋白血不足; 分解亢进低蛋白血症
- "hypercarotenemia" in Chinese : 高胡萝卜素血症
- "hypercatabolism" in Chinese : 分解代谢过度
- "hypercardiotrophia" in Chinese : 心肥大
- "hypercatalectic" in Chinese : adj. (诗行的)超音节的〔指在一行诗末音节后尚有的一两个音节〕。
- "hypercardia" in Chinese : 心肥大
- "hypercatalexis" in Chinese : 超音节
- "hypercard" in Chinese : 超级卡; 超卡软件
- "hypercatharsis" in Chinese : 腹泻过度; 泻下过度
- "hypercarbia" in Chinese : 高碳酸血症; 碳酸过多
"hypercatabolic hypoproteinemia" in Chinese, "hypercarbia" in Chinese, "hypercard" in Chinese, "hypercardia" in Chinese, "hypercardiotrophia" in Chinese, "hypercarotenemia" in Chinese, "hypercatabolism" in Chinese, "hypercatalectic" in Chinese, "hypercatalexis" in Chinese, "hypercatharsis" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of hypercatabolic in Chinese and how to say hypercatabolic in Chinese? hypercatabolic Chinese meaning, hypercatabolic的中文,hypercatabolic的中文,hypercatabolic的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.