hyperadenosis in Chinese
- 淋巴腺增大
- 腺增大
- "hyperadiposis" in Chinese : 肥胖过度
- "hyperacuterejection" in Chinese : 超急排斥 超急性排斥反应 加速型移植物排斥
- "hyperadiposity" in Chinese : 肥胖过度
- "hyperacute rejection" in Chinese : 超急排斥; 超急性排斥反应; 超急性排异; 加速型移植物排斥
- "hyperadrenalcorticism" in Chinese : 肾上腺皮质机能亢进
- "hyperacute poisoning" in Chinese : 特急性中毒
- "hyperadrenalemia" in Chinese : 高肾上腺素血症; 血肾上腺素过多
- "hyperacute graft rejection" in Chinese : 过急移植物排斥
- "hyperadrenalism" in Chinese : 肾上腺功能亢进; 肾上腺机能亢进
- "hyperacute" in Chinese : 超急性的
Other Languages
- "hyperadenosis" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 腺腫脹症{せん しゅちょう しょう}
- "hyperadenosis" meaning in Russian: увеличение лимфатических узлов
What is the meaning of hyperadenosis in Chinese and how to say hyperadenosis in Chinese? hyperadenosis Chinese meaning, hyperadenosis的中文,hyperadenosis的中文,hyperadenosis的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.