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hotspur in Chinese

How to pronounce "hotspur"Synonyms of "hotspur""hotspur" in a sentence"hotspur" meaning

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  • 暴躁的人
  • 郝斯波铬镍钢
  • 性急的人


  • Lazio striker goran pandev has revealed that he would like to play for tottenham hotspur
  • The club have responded to reports linking them with a bid for tottenham hotspur striker dimitar berbatov
  • Is michael carrick , the ? 18 million signing from tottenham hotspur the right man to replace him
    麦克尔?卡里克,价值1800万英镑的热次中场是否能接基恩的班? ?
  • Auxerre also expect to sell younes kabul , the central defender , to tottenham hotspur for ? 8million
  • It was a good night in the uefa cup for tottenham hotspur , bolton wanderers and everton
  • His last newcastle start came on new year ' s eve 2005 , when he broke a metatarsal against tottenham hotspur
  • Bolton wanderers forward anelka and tottenham hotspur ace berbatov have both been linked with january moves to stamford bridge
  • The daily mail are reporting that italian giants juventus have bid ? 25million for tottenham hotspur striker dimitar berbatov
    每日邮报报道:意大利巨人- -尤文图斯已经向托特纳姆热刺队的前锋贝尔巴托夫出价2500万英镑。
  • Premier league champions manchester united are interested in signing tottenham hotspur striker dimitar berbatov , the player ' s agent said today
  • The 24 - year - old midfielder says english sides tottenham hotspur , everton , birmingham city and middlesbrough have all shown interest in him
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4


  • a rash or impetuous person

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What is the meaning of hotspur in Chinese and how to say hotspur in Chinese? hotspur Chinese meaning, hotspur的中文hotspur的中文hotspur的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.