herpetologists in Chinese
- [网络] 两栖爬虫学家
- "herpetologygist" in Chinese : 爬虫学家
- "herpetologies" in Chinese : n. [动] 爬虫学
- "herpetosiphonaceae" in Chinese : 爬管菌科
- "herpetologically" in Chinese : adv. herpetology的变形
- "herpetosoma" in Chinese : 蛇滴虫亚属
- "herpetological systematics" in Chinese : [动] 爬虫分类学
- "herpetospermum" in Chinese : n. 波棱瓜属
- "herpetological physiology" in Chinese : [动] 爬虫生理学
- "herpetospermum caudigerum" in Chinese : 波棱瓜子
- "herpetological morphology" in Chinese : [动] 爬虫形态学
- It was determined as rana limnocharis by peter in 1863, and name has been adopted by herpetologists since then
中国境内的泽蛙rnanlimnocharis是peters于1863年确定的,该种名被众多学者采用至今。 - In 1952, romer s tree frog was first discovered in a cave on lamma island by the late j . d . romer, an amateur herpetologist and so it was named after him
Other Languages
- "herpetologists" meaning in Russian: Герпетологи
What is the meaning of herpetologists in Chinese and how to say herpetologists in Chinese? herpetologists Chinese meaning, herpetologists的中文,herpetologists的中文,herpetologists的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.