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hectogram in Chinese

How to pronounce "hectogram"Synonyms of "hectogram""hectogram" in a sentence"hectogram" meaning

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  • n.


  • According to surveying and determination , the nutritive value of kelp is very high , it contain protein 8 . 2 grams , fat 0 . 1 grams , candies 57 grams , coarse fibre 9 . 8 grams , inorganic salts 12 . 9 grams of each hectogram , it also contain mannite , nick etc .
    海带,又名昆布、江白菜,营养价值很高,据测定,每百克淡干海带含蛋白质8 2克,脂肪0 1克,醣57克,粗纤维9


  • 100 grams
    Synonyms: hg,

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What is the meaning of hectogram in Chinese and how to say hectogram in Chinese? hectogram Chinese meaning, hectogram的中文hectogram的中文hectogram的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.