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guideposts in Chinese

How to pronounce "guideposts""guideposts" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 路标


  • It is based on four guideposts to good health
  • Cargo tommy , those broken windmills will be our guideposts
  • I think emb mentioned " guidepost " is also quite good kindergarten at mei foo
  • Johnny : every time i come to the corner , a guidepost says , ' school - - go slow '
    约翰尼:每当我经过学校附近的拐角处,就见路牌上写着‘学校缓行’ 。
  • Johnny : every time when i come to the corner , a guidepost says , “ school ? ? go slow ”
    约翰尼:每当我经过学校附近的拐角处,就见路牌上写着“学校? ?缓行” 。
  • Now we reached the foot of nazogl . the yellow guideposts show us different routes to different mountains
  • Afternoon west river returns , again when meets with the creek , we haverealized this desire , from the guidepost i knew this river is calledpara the river
  • I hope this article has given you some good ideas for interesting uses of aspects at any stage of maturity , as well as guideposts for tackling the next stage
  • It is a guidepost to the future , uncovering the facts behind our existence while providing us with an understanding of the present
  • " set up road signs ; put up guideposts . take note of the highway , the road that you take . return , o virgin israel , return to your towns
  • More examples:  1  2
What is the meaning of guideposts in Chinese and how to say guideposts in Chinese? guideposts Chinese meaning, guideposts的中文guideposts的中文guideposts的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.