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gravitropism in Chinese

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  • 向重性


  • It is concluded that eth perform its action on gravitropism through the regulation of both iaa contents and iaa polar transportation
    上述两方面结果揭示:在向重力性反应中, eth是通过调节iaa的水平和iaa极性运输两种机制起作用的。
  • Recent advance in molecular biology , associated with the adoption of the mutants have allowed major breakthroughs in our understanding of both root and shoot gravitropism
    随着突变体和分子生物学技术的应用,生长素( auxin )在向重力性反应中的中心作用已被确认。
  • Gravitropism is very important for plant to take up the water , mineral ions and to harvest light , which are necessary for growth and development
  • So extremely probably , eth affects the gravitropism via auxin . in this case , such mutants might be used as the ideal model plants for the study of the closs - talk between eth and auxin
    因此, eth有可能通过调控auxin这个中心因素来影响向重力性反应,这些乙烯突变体极可能成为研究eth对auxin作用的理想模式材料。
  • Now , it is confident that auxin plays the central role in regulating the gravitropism in plants . it has been discovered that the gravitropism had changed in some mutants on eth biosynthesis or signaling
    我们和其他学者在对乙烯( eth )的一系列突变体的研究中发现,某些乙烯合成或响应的突变体其向重力性反应也发生改变。
  • Insensitivity to eth ( in eir1 - 1 root and etr1 - 3 ) led to the impossibility of iaa transportion from shoot tip to shoot bottom or root , so that result in the diminishment of root gravitropism
    这种表型上的差异表明:高水平的eth加强了根的正向重力性反应; eth信号转导的阻断引起根的正向重力性及茎的负向重力性减弱或消失。
  • In our experiments , however , the inhibition of flavonoid on root system development is related to high nitrate , and quercetin , one kind of flavonoid , does not inhibit but promotes the gravitropism instead
    但我们在实验中发现,类黄酮对根系发生的抑制是与高n相联系的。对于向地性,类黄酮中的一种? ? quercetin不但不抑制,反而促进向地性? ?诱导超向地性。
  • On the one hand , quercetin promotes hypocqtyls phototropic growth , on the other hand , it promotes gravitropism of root tips . when the seedlings are placed tilted at 80 , quercetin induces root tips getting into medium , while on control case , it grows along the surface
    一方面q促进了下胚轴的向光生长,另一方面,促进了根尖的向地性,在80培养时, q诱导根尖钻入培养基中。
  • The iaa contents in shoots and roots of 12 - d - old seedlings of arabidopsis wt and mutants were assayed . high eth level ( in eto1 - 1 ) showed the promotion of iaa synthesis or inhibition of the iaa catabolism , thus improves the root gravitropism
    从12d龄拟南芥幼苗的形态学表现上看, etol - 1根的向重力性与wt相比明显增强了,而eirl - 1和etrl - 3的向重力性则明显减弱,黄化的etrl - 3茎的负向重力性也减弱。
  • Lateral root development and gravitropism are regulated by polar auxin transport ( pat ) , and auxin efflux inhibitors ( aei ) inhibit lr growth and tropism . because of > the structural similarity to pat inhibitor npa , flavonoid has long been regarded as endogenous polar auxin transport inhibitor
    生长素极性运输( polarauxintransport , pat )对侧根发生和根尖向地性起着重要的调节作用,添加外源生长素极性运输抑制剂不仅抑制了侧根发生,同时还使根尖丧失了向地性。
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