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flexibacter in Chinese

How to pronounce "flexibacter""flexibacter" in a sentence"flexibacter" meaning

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  • 屈挠杆菌属


  • Members of the cfb ( cytophaga - flexibacter - bacteroides ) were found to be rich in upper sediment of " warm pool " while they were not detected in sediment from " manganese nodule " area , which indicated that there were more organic substances in the " warm pool " area
    除了紫细菌之外, cfb类群在“暖池”区沉积物中也是一类较重要的细菌,主要集中在表层沉积物;而在“结核”区没有检测到属于cfb类群的细菌,表明“暖池”区表层存在较多的有机物。
  • In the sediment , bacteria belonging to the cfb ( cytophaga - flexibacter - bacterioides ) group and the - proteobacteria , - proteobacteria were the main groups . the 16s rdna diversity of 7th layer was different from that of other layers , including the analysis of rflp , gene type and the population of cfb group . and the population of - proteobacteria showed inverse ratio with that of cfb group

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What is the meaning of flexibacter in Chinese and how to say flexibacter in Chinese? flexibacter Chinese meaning, flexibacter的中文flexibacter的中文flexibacter的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.