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eternalize in Chinese

How to pronounce "eternalize"Synonyms of "eternalize""eternalize" in a sentence"eternalize" meaning

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  • It is held that heiger error lies in absolutes in terms of unity of the opposites , the error of the old teaching materials is absoiutes of two extremes opposites , especially the absoiutes in terms of opposites between the idealism and the materialism , but class society stems from the opposites between the idealism and the materialism or division betwcen mental and manual labour , absoiutes of the opposites between the idealism and the materialism just eternalizes class society
  • Easy to use restorationsoftware removes crackles and noises professionally in real time whether your favorite hits are engraved in vinyl or your precious recordings are on tape : with ease and speed , the phono preamp studio usb can eternalize your lp , single or cassette recordings to your pc , for example so that you can burn them to cds
    Terratec针对爱好黑胶唱片的用户推出了phono preamp studio usb ,它可算是一款完美结合了硬件与软件的产品,它的体积虽小,但phono preamp studio usb可让您在计算机上编修唱片及卡带上的音乐,并让它们存在cd上永久保存,这一切过程完全不需要任何声卡,只需透过usb接口。


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What is the meaning of eternalize in Chinese and how to say eternalize in Chinese? eternalize Chinese meaning, eternalize的中文eternalize的中文eternalize的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.