empty trash in Chinese
- 清除废物桶
- 清空废纸篓
- 清空回收站
- "empty" in Chinese : adj. 1.空的,空著的。 2.空虚的,空洞的。 3. ...
- "trash" in Chinese : n. 废料;垃圾;碎屑,修剪下来的枝叶;落叶;玉米秸(等 ...
- "empty the trash" in Chinese : 到垃圾
- "trash" in Chinese : n. 废料;垃圾;碎屑,修剪下来的枝叶;落叶;玉米秸(等);废烟叶;渣滓;不 ...
- "empty" in Chinese : adj. 1.空的,空著的。 2.空虚的,空洞的。 3.无聊的,愚蠢的。 4 ...
- "empty of" in Chinese : 缺乏,无; 缺乏,无
- "in empty" in Chinese : 空箱
- "cane trash" in Chinese : 甘蔗渣
- "carbon trash" in Chinese : 碳质含铀残屑
- "compacted trash" in Chinese : 压实堆垛
- "field trash" in Chinese : 夹杂物; 田间废弃物
- "flood trash" in Chinese : 流失木
- "land trash" in Chinese : 冰区岸边碎冰块
- "pipeline trash" in Chinese : 管道废料
- "plant trash" in Chinese : 植物残体; 植物残渣
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What is the meaning of empty trash in Chinese and how to say empty trash in Chinese? empty trash Chinese meaning, empty trash的中文,empty trash的中文,empty trash的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.