umami meaning
- umami information center
- Western scientists are just starting to recognize umami as an officialtaste.
- It's a dish high in both sweetness and umami.
- These foods are high in the fifth primary taste called umami.
- Many humans'first encounter with umami components is breast milk.
- In 2005, Moore set up the record label Umami Records.
- There are five basic tastes : sweet, salty and umami.
- In fact, umami has a quite remarkable ability to enhance flavor.
- Umami stimulates appetites in all cultures all across the board,
- Breslin says umami broths taste a little like chicken soup.
Other Languages
- "umami" meaning in Chinese: 马见
- "umami" meaning in Japanese: {名} : うまみ◆日本の科学者が発見した甘味、酸味、塩味、苦味に次ぐ第5の味覚(the fifth taste s...
- "umami" meaning in Russian: u:ˈm:mɪ из яп.; букв. "совершенный"; = umame...
What is the meaning of umami and how to define umami in English? umami meaning, what does umami mean in a sentence? umami meaning,umami definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by