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privileged meaning

[ 'privilidʒd ]   Pronunciation:
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Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adjective: privileged  privulijd
    1. Blessed with privileges
      "the privileged few" 
    2. Not subject to usual rules or penalties
      "a privileged statement" 
    3. Confined to an exclusive group
      "privileged information"
      - inside, inner
    Verb: privilege  privulij
    1. Bestow a privilege upon
      - favor [US], favour [Brit, Cdn]

    See also: exclusive, exempt, fortunate, rich, sweetheart

    Type of: allow, countenance, let, permit

    Antonym: underprivileged

    Encyclopedia: Privilege Privilege, Ibiza


  • [Business]

    (Law )

    privileged information is known only to a few people and is legally protected so it does not have to be made public:

    They had illegally profited from their access to privileged information.



  • She had led a life of luxury and privilege.
  • I am no longer privileged to tease you.
  • Employees are privileged to buy at a discount.
  • Older pupils enjoy special privileges.
  • It's a privilege we have to pay for!
  • They think that's their exclusive privilege.
  • Talks between lawyer and client are privileged.
  • She came from a privileged background.
  • The auditors have special ecclesiastical privileges.
  • The privileged can bend the law.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of privileged and how to define privileged in English? privileged meaning, what does privileged mean in a sentence? privileged meaningprivileged definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.