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plasmacytosis meaning

"plasmacytosis" in a sentence

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  • [Medicine]
    n pl -to·ses : the presence of abnormal numbers of plasma cells in the blood


  • Patients with plasmacytosis have been predominantly found to have lung infections ( pneumonia, tuberculosis, abscess ) whereas multiple myeloma is rarely found.
  • Other synonyms for this condition not previously mentioned include atypical gingivitis, allergic gingivitis, plasmacytosis of the gingiva, idiopathic gingivostomatitis, and atypical gingivostomatitis.

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What is the meaning of plasmacytosis and how to define plasmacytosis in English? plasmacytosis meaning, what does plasmacytosis mean in a sentence? plasmacytosis meaningplasmacytosis definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.