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plainly meaning

[ 'pleinli ]   Pronunciation:
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  • Johnson was plainly a canny individual.
  • He spoke it out plainly to his company.
  • Now tell them all this plainly.
  • plainly he was not to be allowed to share in it.
  • Excuse me if i've spoken too plainly.
  • You are plainly unwilling to co-operate.
  • Do n't mince matters, but speak plainly.
  • It said as plainly as an eye could speak.
  • Try to express yourself more plainly.
  • Together, father and son were plainly linked.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of plainly and how to define plainly in English? plainly meaning, what does plainly mean in a sentence? plainly meaningplainly definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.