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ominous meaning

[ 'ɔminəs ]   Pronunciation:
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  • He had a fall, which was ominous of his downfall.
  • Mrs. brangwen was silent, she seemed ominous.
  • No man moved, awaiting the next ominous question.
  • His voice, for all its lightness, had an ominous ring.
  • Their departure looked ominous because lightening hit the tree.
  • ominous items of news of varied credibility now began to come in.
  • The development of severe hypertension in glomerular disease is an ominous sign.
  • Dr. whipple and captain janders were already listening to the ominous sound.
  • Even so there remained an ominous gap to the westward which for the time being could not be bridged.
  • Such reports come from the world's edges, with their evocation of the unknown, the marvellous and the ominous.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of ominous and how to define ominous in English? ominous meaning, what does ominous mean in a sentence? ominous meaningominous definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.