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needle meaning

[ 'ni:dl ]   Pronunciation:
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Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Noun: needle  needl
    1. The leaf of a conifer
      - acerate leaf 
    2. A slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument 
    3. A sharp pointed implement (usually steel) 
    4. A stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record
      - phonograph needle
    Verb: needle  needl
    1. Goad or provoke,as by constant criticism
      "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
      - goad 
    2. Prick with a needle

    Derived forms: needling, needles, needled

    Type of: beset, chevvy [non-standard], chevy, chivvy, chivy, harass, harry, hassle, implement, molest, plague, pointer, prick, prickle, provoke, simple leaf, stylus

    Encyclopedia: Needle

  • [American slang]
    tr. to annoy someone.
    • Tom is always needling Frank.
    • Stop needling me!

  • [British slang]
    Verb. To make jibes at, irritate. {Informal}

  • [Architecture]

    A piece of timber laid horizontally and supported on props or shores under a wall or building, etc.; provides temporary support while the foundation or part beneath is altered, repaired, or underpinned.


    A short timber, or the like, which passes through a hole in a wall; used to support a shore, a scaffold, etc.

  • [Electronics]
    1. The stylus of a phonograph cartridge.
    2. The pointer of an indicating meter.
    3. One of the electrodes in a voltage-measuring spark gap (see NEEDLE GAP).
    4. The slender, pointed metal tip of a test probe.

  • [Medicine]
    Sharp instruments used for puncturing or suturing. n
    1 : a small slender usu. steel instrument designed to carry sutures when sewing tissues in surgery
    2 : a slender hollow instrument for introducing material into or removing material from the body parenterally
    vt nee·dled; nee·dling : to puncture, operate on, or inject with a needle ‹needling a cataract› ‹needles the population against polio›


  • Threading a needle is an art in itself.
  • She was given a needle for whooping cough.
  • Stop needling him or he might hit you.
  • You were needling him about the twenty cents.
  • What a mannish way to thread a needle!
  • She feel very awkward with a needle.
  • You haven't got a needle and thread i suppose?
  • It is like fishing for a needle in the ocean.
  • needless to say, he kept his promise.
  • Insert the needle into the cloth, jane.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of needle and how to define needle in English? needle meaning, what does needle mean in a sentence? needle meaningneedle definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.