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modulated meaning

Synonyms of "modulated""modulated" in a sentence

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  • Her voice was modulated to a ghostly cheerfulness.
  • The group velocity is the speed at which modulated signals would be transmitted.
  • When there is a modulated signal from transmitter, there are side bands.
  • Water vapour and clouds are the primary variables modulating direct solar absorption.
  • He had a plump face, lemur-like eyes, a quiet, subtle, modulated voice.
  • He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone.
  • The secondary backscattered electron current is used to modulate the intensity of an electron beam in a cathode ray tube(crt).
  • If he modulated his inevitable resentment to the chastened attitude of the reformed sinner, he might win his point in the end.
  • He modulated his voice when he spoke of the tragedy
  • In his horn solo, he kept modulating from key to key
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of modulated and how to define modulated in English? modulated meaning, what does modulated mean in a sentence? modulated meaningmodulated definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.