infallibilism meaning
- noun (RC)
The doctrine of the Pope's infallibility
- However, infallibilism is rejected by the overwhelming majority of philosophers / epistemologists, even though it would solve the Gettier problem ( if true ).
- The organization's statement of faith lays out a number of their affirmations, such as Biblical infallibilism, Christian monotheism, trinitarianism, and the deity of Christ.
- Finally, if infallibilism is true, that would seem to definitively solve the Gettier problem for good-- the idea is that knowledge requires certainty, such that, certainty is what serves to bridge the gap so that we arrive at knowledge, which means we would have an adequate definition of knowledge.
Other Languages
- "infallibilism" meaning in Chinese: n. 教皇绝对可靠主义,教皇绝无谬误主义
- "infallibilism" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 不可謬性{ふかびゅう せい}、無謬説{むびゅう せつ}
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