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impulsively meaning

Synonyms of "impulsively""impulsively" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adverb: impulsively  im'púlsivlee
    1. In an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions
      "he often acts impulsively and later regrets it"
      - impetuously, hotheadedly

    See also: impulsive


  • Bertha impulsively rushed up to her husband and kissed him.
  • Every good, true, vigorous feeling i had gathered came impulsively round him.
  • I'm just not supposed to act impulsively, you know
  • She impulsively said the things that she didn ’ t mean
  • impulsively, i wrote down, " give yourself to others"
  • The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty
  • The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty
  • And impulsively she said, " i can t take my blouse off.
  • He bought a car impulsively
  • The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of impulsively and how to define impulsively in English? impulsively meaning, what does impulsively mean in a sentence? impulsively meaningimpulsively definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.