hydrological meaning
- Adjective: hydrological `hIdru'lójikul
- Of or pertaining to hydrology
Encyclopedia: Hydrological
- Matalas and reiher in a paper from the hydrological literature provide a discussion of the methods and their limitation.
- The increased pressure and temperature with depths as well as changed hydrological conditions will lead to changed mechanical properties.
- hydrological calculation norms for small hydro power
- Analysis of time variability for hydrological series
- Long period hydrological forecast by self-regression
- Standard for hydrological information and hydrological forecasting
- Standard for hydrological information and hydrological forecasting
- Change rule of the runoff and hydrological factors
- Study on the educational reform of hydrological experiments
- Study on the hydrological model in watershed
Other Languages
- "hydrological" meaning in Chinese: 水文的
- "hydrological" meaning in Japanese: {形} : 水文学(上){すいもんがく(じょう)}の
- "hydrological" meaning in Russian: гидрологический hydrological characteristic of probability...
- "hydrological" meaning in French: adj. hydrologique, concernant l'enveloppe aqueuse de la ...
What is the meaning of hydrological and how to define hydrological in English? hydrological meaning, what does hydrological mean in a sentence? hydrological meaning,hydrological definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.