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fluidization meaning

"fluidization" in a sentence

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  • or fluidisāˈtion noun

  • [Chemical engineering]
    "A roasting process in which finely divided solids are suspended in a rising current of air (or other fluid), producing a fluidized bed, used in the calcination of various minerals, in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and in the coal industry."


  • fluidization has had a rather turbulent history.
  • Thus this chapter surveys the art of fluidization today.
  • These initial successes spawned much interest in fluidization.
  • For satisfactory fluidization under these conditions an agitator is used in the bed.
  • The properties of solid and fluid alone will determine whether smooth or bubbling fluidization occurs.
  • fluidization engineering is concerned with efforts to take advantage of this behavior and put it to good use.
  • Thermo-setting powder paints . determination of fluidization
  • Simulation of dynamic characteristics for gas-solid fluidization
  • Standard practice for measuring fluidization segregation tendencies of powders
  • Theoretical analysis and experimental research on dry removing carbon with fluidization method
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of fluidization and how to define fluidization in English? fluidization meaning, what does fluidization mean in a sentence? fluidization meaningfluidization definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.