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diddley meaning

"diddley" in a sentence

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  • Bravado is part of greatness, but it doesn't count for diddley squat if you get injured again and again
  • It's Diddley's 40th year in the business.
  • Ivy goes back to the roots, back to Bo Diddley.
  • At long last, Bo Diddley's got his Grammy.
  • Rocking and rolling isn't a luxury for Bo Diddley.
  • Bo Diddley, B . B . King, Fats Domino,
  • Diddley said he is honored by the awards but otherwise frustrated.
  • At the same time, the guitar frica called diddley bows.
  • Dec . 30 : Singer-guitarist Bo Diddley is 73.
  • Diddley has diabetes and hyperglycemia is often associated with the disease.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of diddley and how to define diddley in English? diddley meaning, what does diddley mean in a sentence? diddley meaningdiddley definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.