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clog meaning

Synonyms of "clog""clog" in a sentence

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  • The pipe is so small that it clogs very easily.
  • Their wooden clogs squeak in the snow.
  • Don't clog your memory with useless facts.
  • Oil soon clogs in cold weather.
  • A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.
  • His style never seriously clogs the movement of his stories.
  • In cotton and wool processing, short length fibers may clog sewers.
  • Sludge can also clog oil passages and prevent normal engine lubrication.
  • The solids would clog sewers, cause interference in subsequent treatment processes.
  • Some of the particles clog my smaller passages and some actually sear my tissues.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of clog and how to define clog in English? clog meaning, what does clog mean in a sentence? clog meaningclog definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.