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cherished meaning

"cherished" in a sentence

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  • It was his pet weakness and he cherished it.
  • The reason confirmed his most cherished doctrine.
  • I speak to you as a cherished member of my flock.
  • The private car was still a cherished status symbol.
  • The plan rode rough-shed over churchill's cherished ideas.
  • This cherished fantasy is embellished with minute detail.
  • The practice of hard work and frugality is a cherished part of our tradition.
  • He never begins his cherished project for the reformation of criminals.
  • I had thought my age should have been cherished by her childlike duty.
  • He still cherished the illusion of power and consequence when the reality had gone.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of cherished and how to define cherished in English? cherished meaning, what does cherished mean in a sentence? cherished meaningcherished definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.