cardioactive meaning
- [Medicine]
adj : having an influence on the heart ‹cardioactive drugs› — car·dio·ac·tiv·i·ty npl -ties
- This patient had confirmed cardioactive steroid poisoning from an herbal product
- Both contain cardioactive glycosides, which are similar in effect to digitalis but much more toxic, Thompson said.
- The venom consists of a mixture of proteins, including the hemolytic stonustoxin, the neurotoxic trachynilysin and the cardioactive cardioleputin; an antivenin is available.
- The concentration of a cardioactive agent at steady state is called the therapeutic plasma concentration; for digoxin this value, in ng / mL, lies in the low single digits ..
- Neuregulin-1 ( NRG-1 ), a cardioactive growth factor released from endothelial cells, is necessary for cardiac development, structural maintenance, and functional integrity of the heart.
- "' Pharmacological modulation of contractility "'is performed with cardioactive "'inotropic agents "'( positive or negative inotropes ) being present in the blood stream and affecting the rate of contraction of myocardial fibers.
- "Please note that with the exception of volume expansion, which can be accomplished only by physical means ( intravenous or oral intake of fluids ), all other hemodynamic modulating tools are pharmacological, cardioactive or vasoactive agents ."
Other Languages
- "cardioactive" meaning in Chinese: 增强心脏功能的
- "cardioactive" meaning in Japanese: {形} : 心作用性の
- "cardioactive" meaning in Russian: 1) _мед. стимулирующий деятельность сердца
What is the meaning of cardioactive and how to define cardioactive in English? cardioactive meaning, what does cardioactive mean in a sentence? cardioactive meaning,cardioactive definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by