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built-in meaning

Synonyms of "built-in""built-in" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adjective: built-in  bilt in
    1. Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
      "the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity"
      - constitutional, inbuilt, inherent, integral

    See also: intrinsic, intrinsical

  • [Architecture]

    Built as an integral part of a larger construction, as furniture which is especially fitted in a building.

  • [Business]
    less frequent) adjective [only before noun]

    included as part of sth and not separate from it:

    a mobile phone with a tiny built-in camera

  • [Computer]
    (Or "primitive") A built-in function or operator is one provided by the lowest level of a language implementation. This usually means it is not possible (or efficient) to express it in the language itself. Typical examples are the basic arithmetic and Boolean operators (in C syntax: +, -, *, /, %, !, &&, ||), bit manipulation operators (~, &, |, ^) and I/O primitives. Other common functions may be provided in libraries but are not built-in if they are written in the language being implemented.


  • There were built-in cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Thus, there is a built-in tendency towards the accumulation of sand/mud laminae.
  • Time is a "visualizable" concept, a built-in part of every man's view of the world.
  • There is a built-in mechanism that permits the population to respond to crowding or food shortage early enough.
  • However, a low fatigue strength detail or a large built-in defect may produce only a single significant crack.
  • The apparent connection between built-in obsolescence and changes in art-styles has struck several commentators.
  • This recent instrument includes a built-in fabry-perot interometer calibration unit with an automatic daily recording of a calibration signal.

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What is the meaning of built-in and how to define built-in in English? built-in meaning, what does built-in mean in a sentence? built-in meaningbuilt-in definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.