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bovine meaning

Synonyms of "bovine""bovine" in a sentence

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  • Adjective: bovine  bowvIn
    1. Of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
      - bovid 
    2. Dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox
      "showed a bovine apathy"
    Noun: bovine  bowvIn
    1. Any of various members of the genus Bos

    Derived forms: bovines

    See also: dull, genus Bos, hebetudinous

    Type of: bovid

    Part of: Bos, genus Bos

    Encyclopedia: Bovine

  • [Medicine]
    n : an ox (genus Bos) or a closely related animal — bovine adj


  • Outside the bovine host, the organism can be readily cultured.
  • A number of countries have virtually eradicated bovine tuberculosis from cattle.
  • A captive wildebeest calf was inoculated with virulent bovine blood.
  • Viral bovine rhinotracheitis simulates and may be combined with shipping fever.
  • Only fragmentary information on pathogenesis of bovine malignant catarrhal fever is available.
  • The enzymes prepared from pea, rat liver and bovine brain were composed of fewer subunits than the microbial enzymes.
  • She quite enjoyed the sensation of bovine ignorance with which the cook's tourist surrenders himself into the hands of a custodian.
  • Diagnostic techniques for bovine spongiform encephalopathy
  • Expression of bovine interleukin-2 gene in pichia pastoris
  • Isolation and culture of bovine fetal fibroblasts
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of bovine and how to define bovine in English? bovine meaning, what does bovine mean in a sentence? bovine meaningbovine definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.